Many people who oppose homosexuality focus on sex. They argue on the basis that sex between members of the same sex is against the Bible/not natural/doesn't lead to procreation/etc.
I find this approach absolutely misleading. The focus shouldn't be on sex. The focus should be on the fact that someone who is a homosexual wants to have a nice conversation, trust, go home to, plan their life with, laugh and do crazy fun stuff with, enjoy themselves, tinker on their cars, go for a run, listen to music, and so on, with someone of their sex. When they imagine who they want to have that very special emotional and intellectual bond, that trust, that passion, devotion, friendship, they imagine it with someone who is of their sex. Bodily sex, bodily attraction naturally comes with this tendency, but we shouldn't get stuck on it.
If anyone finds something wrong with such desires for companionship, for recognition, for love, for trust, then they have something against homosexual couples, but then they also have something against any other couple that is in love, that is together, that is going out.
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