Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Nobel prize: tomorrow!

We will get to know tomorrow who will receive these years Nobel Prizes. In literature I'm for Pynchon or Nadas - although I've read Roth, Oates, Murakami and like them as well, I don't think they are nobel-level writers, whereas the first two are.

In medical sciences I'm hoping that the award goes to the research that enabled the large-scale treatment of breast cancer. I know it is not a solution that helps cure all forms of breast cancer, but still, as it applies to almost 30% percent of those inflicted, it is widespread, saves many lives and is a great step towards personalized treatment too.

We will get to know the results of the literature award tomorrow at 1 pm Stockholm time. [In the meanwhile I noticed that the winners of the medical prize have been revealed already. Check it out here. The site has short and accessible summaries, information about the researchers and many interesting additional data.] 

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