It had been known now for some time, but this article today in the Guardian calls attention to it again:
Many migrant and refugee children are travelling alone, they are extremely vulnerable, and there are plenty of smugglers as well as locals - in Greece, in Italy, in Hungary, in Serbia, and so on - who take advantage of them. Some of them are forced to have sex, some cajoled into it, some raped, some told to do it to earn money if they want a transport organized to their parents.
The UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) also has a longer, detailed report on the issue with all the data. Read it here.
See more in the article here.
To see more info on the issue read a report on the high numbers of disappearing children, even in countries like Germany.
I find it quite disgusting and horrific that while all this happens people like Mr Orban continue to present migrants as some kind of grave danger to us. It is vulnerable people who are at risk and should be helped. Hungary had been urged many times of course to do something about the people stranded on its borders but it blatantly refuses to offer any assistance to anyone.
At the same time Orban's circles are making billions (in Euros) on selling Hungarian citizenship to foreigners from outside the EU. It doesn't matter who you are, for 250,000 you can become a Hungarian (and thus an EU) citizen. The scheme is operated by friends and business partners of Orban and other high ranking FIDESZ politicians (most prominently the very much mafia-boss like Antal Rogan). After much criticism they have halted the programme, but only temporarily. It is of course all legal: FIDESZ uses its two-thirds parliamentary majority to pass laws like this.
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