Saturday, 8 April 2017


I took a longer break from blogging. I did this mainly for two reasons.

One was that I simply did not want to write about Trump. Everyone writing about Trump during the election was basically advertising him. As we now see, all that advertisement was advertisement for a lot of hot air. A big nothing. No policy, no knowledge, no directions, no performance. It doesn't matter anymore. The idiot is in the house, in the chair. Let's hope he gets impeached soon, or otherwise becomes incapable of going on.

The other was that Brexit was still hanging in the air, there was still hope that some preliminary positive agreements would be put in place between May's 'dazed and confused' government and the very calm and calculative EU leadership. Sadly, this did not happen. May drove the car full speed against the wall. We will see how things go from now. Not much can be known at the moment, so I do not see any good reason either to panic or to confuse people.

The following is imperative:
Stay calm. Things are NEVER as bad as politicians would like you to believe. Like any manager, politicians are trying to sell ideas and push them through. Then they claim credit for the changes they made. Most things are going OK in the world, and smart people are working on the ones which aren't (disease, illness, inequality, education, etc.). Politicians stir up shit to create an opportunity to rise and shine. They create most of the problems and issues that they claim only they can solve. So they can claim credit and cement their rule. This happens in the US, in Russia, in China, in Africa, and elsewhere. For example see the UK, where this artificial-shit-storm-mongering created a change in the political leadership, or Hungary, where Orban's authoritarian government is still using the migrant issue to create panic and rally its supporters.

We need to stay calm. We need to send the politicians who try to drive us into wars to prison. We need to kick those out who make us believe that it's rational that the rich shouldn't pay more taxes, but the poor should, and social services should be cut too. These people are doing a bad job.

We need to keep our calm and our cool heads to organize kicking them out and keeping them under check. Everywhere. Whether you read this in Zimbabwe, in Peru, in Afghanistan, in Chile, in Austria, Saudi Arabia, in Finland, in China, in Myanmar, in the US: it doesn't matter. Organize, and keep your politicians, your military leaders, and your top managers under check. Create unions, reading groups, parties. Invite researchers - not hacks, not journalists, not 'public speakers', not think tank people. Invite the researchers who are publicly funded and publish everything in journals that can be publicly accesses. They are the people doing an honest job, giving their years and name to what they do.

Keep calm. Don't fall for the propaganda. It is not the US that is evil. Not Russia. Not China. Not Syria. The average person doesn't want to do any harm, nor does he or she care about others in other countries. The average person wants to go on in a decent life. It is the power-crazy brutal loonies who are the real danger. Not that minority your local MP accuses. Not that other religion your imam is warning you about. Not people who like something else in sex or in love. It is the corrupt and greedy leaders and their henchman, those serving them.

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